WHAT IS NEW ? ? ? ?
Well, what IS new in the world?
It is now 2012 and I work with Tio Fötter on tour with "Alice in Badland". I am also planning for more performances in May with my production company www.tornetproductions.se
Look at trailers for tornet at Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0XO6dSSfLw nominated for Best Agricultural projects 2011.
Knight Pappiljott. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElnnGmsr2ms&feature=related
In writing moment, June 2011, I have just finished the tour with Tio Fötter, with the play Alice i Ondalandet. The group went to Copenhagen/Malmö at the ASSITEJ festival. We saw a lot of interesting and good plays. The project "Knight Pappiljott" is in full process. We have premiere August 28. Read more at: www.tornetproductions.se
My showreel is ready and you can look at it at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQPpmfW2AIE
I will travel to Turkey on vacation and to Finland to join Celerses Nordica for jousting show. In september I will work again as a dramacoach in the project Distinkt Dam. http://www.distinktdam.com/
Now, in February 2011, I will write a short note again, beforhttp://www.distinktdam.com/e leaving for N.Z. My partner and colleague Anders from Tornet Productions, is competing in jousting. Later I will produce my new showreel with help from Irene www.hogbergmedia.se. I will also work as a dramacoach for women entrepreneurs for Dramadam and Distingo. I will continue to work with The Police Academy and a new play with Tio Fotter, written by John Fiske.
Next year, 2011, we will do a new play at the theatre out in the forest, Knight Pappiljott, written by Daniel Cramér -the planning has just started. I will probably also produce a play with my partner from Tio Fotter and the Military job, Bjorn Dahlman, at the oldest café in Uppsala (again). In Oktober I worked as a dramacoach in a project with female entrepreneurs at the scene in the forest. I coached the gorgeus ladies and they put up plays and my partner Anders, made three main courses to us. It was a very special and lovely task for us. Dramadam & Distingo (Maj Lundell) was the heads of this new idea, with money from Tillvaxtverket.
Right now it is autumn and me and my colleague from www.dramadam.se, Ulrika, is out in Women Prisons, with drama & motivation courses. We will be touring the hole country until December. I will also do the last tour with Tio Fotter in November and I will play the main part in their new play in 2011. I worked with the Police Academy and the Swedish Probation Service again, but unfortunately, I have less time to do this kind of work, which I really love.
Summer went with a lot of vacation. I went with my Love to Kebnekajse, climbed the top. Went to Finland withe the Celeres Nordica Knights and Higgins. Lovely trip and shows in the hot sun. Kåre took such good care of us, we went to their play "Robin Hood" and the ruin of Raseborg at the evening party. Higgins were strong, despite the very hot sun and the Finnish and Swedish knights were putting on a great show. I love Finnish people! They are so strong and direct and just loveable.
In the writing moment, it is soon beginning of June and we started the child play in the Forest. We had premiere for Kris, KrAmi and MOA; parents & Kids and it was a great sunny day. We will play for schools as well and this weekend we have 2 open shows. I just participated in small part in a Swedish drama serie, to come. I got myself an excellent agent: www.nebulaproduction.com , who will take care of my business from here on. I went with my partners from Tio Fötter to Bibu, the child theatre festival in Lund, which was hilarious. I will take time off this summer, except from some work with The Police Academy and a Meisner course in August. http://www.studiomeisner.se/index.html The coach, Emelie Nyman is outstanding.
This spring, 2010, I will continue the tour with Tio Fötter, "Släpp in mig" (Let me in) www.tiofotter.com, in Upland.
We are playing Tornet in May, for schools & for The Swedish Prison & Probation Service. We started a new production company and our new homepage www.tornetproductions.se, was made by Johann Gustavsson at www.pophunters.com Check it out !
When I have time, I will help the Jousters (Celeres Nordica) with their show, as a dramacoach. I will travel to New York with my family soon and in April I will take a sunny beachy vacation with my Love.
My old play "On the way to...Shire" was on again, with a new gang; view this link: http://www.reginateatern.se/index.php?id=718
In 2009, I continued to work with the Military, The Swedish National Police Academy and also touring with "Kvinnofilten", Women History Project) at mens prisons. I worked with a child´s play written by John Fiske in the spring (http://www.tiofotter.com). I had premiere with the Strindberg play, directed by Daniel Cramér (www.danc.se). We played 9 shows. This summer, me and Anders Fernstedt are put up a child play at an outside forest theatre, premiere in Sep (Look at Tornet at my page) Director Johan Briggert, from Astrid Lindgrens World. We have been working together before and I really like making plays with this fantastic director.
We will also play at the huge Älvsjömässan 2 of Oct. Link: http://www.underbarabarn.se/ProgramFredag.htm
In Sep I will also work with my colleague from Kvinnofilten (www.dramadam.se) in a new project. More details to come.
What happened the year of 2008: AUTUMN; I played "Kvinnofilten" at womens prisons all over Sweden, worked for the Military, SUMMER; I took time off from theatre to be on jousting tour with my Knight and his horse Higgins in France and Norway. SPRING; played "Oxygen" at Uppsala Konsert and Kongress, presented by Lars Bohlin from the University of Uppsala. The author Carl Djerassi from U.S, talked after the performance. This was the first time the play was set up in Sweden. Director was Gustav Uddgård.
The play, "Den Jaktade" (http://www.denjaktade.com/) with premiere 13:th of August -07, at Hallwylska Palatset (the beautiful yard of the museum), in Stockholm. It went fine and we had a lot of people coming to see us, - and good weather almost every night. This autumn contains most of all work for the Military and also the start of a new project, a show, with Sofia Nordstrom and Anders Forsslund. More info about this to come.
I worked for the Military Police spring -07, (Combined Challenge-07) and in March, I produced a short movie in Uppsala with my partners Johnny Johanson (from Stairs), writer and director - and Michael Lechner (from the Bear) as the main character, "Bruno at cafe". Visit Grizzly´s Website for pics. (Favorite Links)
In December -06 I was on a tour with Woman History Project, (Kvinnofilten), with my partner Ulrika. We played in the Northern part of Sweden, look at: http://www.kvinnofilten.ibbing.se/ We also did performances in Stockholm.
In Spring/Summer 2006, I worked as a dramacoach for some lovely guys, actors, now friends, for a historical pilotmovie that was shot in early August, close to Uppsala in Uppland. Directors, screenwriters are Leif Malm and Robert Pukitis. Next shooting is Autumn 2008, the rights are now at a French producers hand, together with Björn Hellqvist and Lars Lundgren.
In spring 2006 I worked for the Swedish American StuntGroup (Lars Lundgren) as a dramateacher and in "Cold Response-06" for the Military Police, the Swedish Army, in Enkoping and Narvik, Norway, as an actor in situations, as education and training for the coming military polices in different Nato-countries.
The Women History Project, with my two colleagues, Ulrika and Kristina, is ready to be played in schools this year. See Link "Women History Project". We played a trailer at Reginateatern in Uppsala at a Female Festival 11:th of December 2005.
In the winter 2005 I worked in Strindbergs "Dodsdansen" at Uppsala City Theatre. I had premiere on my third play in the trilogy, "Time" (Swedish name: "Du ar min klocka" = You are my time) with Johan Briggert (director, actor), Hans Warnsberg, Julia Groundstroem and Emil Hermansson. Premiere date was 31 Mars at Den Lilla Teatern in Uppsala. Then we played at one of the oldest cafes in Uppsala, Ofvandahls Hovkonditori. Linksite: www.geocities.com/grizzlytheatre
The premiere of "Stairs" (May-05) went fine with a lot of people coming, sponsors, friends, homeless and culture people. It is approx. 60 min. long, - a long short movie. It is a mellow little film about the hopeless human beings struggle...or something. Better see it...
You can also buy it from:
www.glimz.net (TRAPPAN) is the Swedish name of the movie
Enormously fun work with a lovely bunch of people, - all was smooth and it was a very positive spirit in the whole production.
Director is Johan Norell, photographer J.J, and sound engineer Mia Sedvallson.
Actors: Me, Kristina Nordblom and Julia Groundstroem from "The Pledge", Robert Barani, Karl Winden, Hans Warnsberg, Johnny Johanson, Ulrika Forsberg, Emma and Ludvig Sundstedt, Viktor Grusell.
Dancer: Hea Ekstam
SCRIPT: Me, Johnny J, Michael L.
At the picture below, me as the Diva from "Stairs"
Old news
2004, Johan Norell and I started planning for the movie "Stairs".
The autumn 2003 I worked at Gottsunda Theatre in the play "Katitzi", by Miriam Anderssson. At the same time we played "the Pledge" at Mosebacke Etablissement in Stockholm, late September. Went fine!
The spring of 2003, I worked on my play "The Pledge". Premiere was 4:th of April 2003, at the Ekocafe in Uppsala, later that autumn, we played six performances at Mosebacke Etablissement in Stockholm.
It is a drama about three women, that made a promise to each other when they were teenagers. The promise is now fulfilled and the consequences is right upfront this afternoon at a cafe. Memories from their youth and friendship is coming up, both good and bad ones... We got lovely reviews in the paper, and my experience from this work is: "no pain, no gain"...
In May 2002 I put up part one in the trilogy, in cooperation with Gottsunda Theatre in Uppsala. The play is called "On the way to...Shire". It had three actors, and a little "Tarantino"-feeling in it.Click on Link! It was set up 18:th and 19:th of May on a tavern in Gottsunda Centre and made quite a success. Continuing will be hard, since one of the actors are moving up north, to enter the Teaterhogskolan !
Congratulations Henrik! Well...You never know..."The Pledge" is part two in the trilogy.
The Autumn of 2002, I worked on the dance and theatre production "I am Alice", written by Malin Axelsson. A lovely group of actors and dancers, who made friends forever.